Cordyceps Militaris

Improving Healthcare Improving Lives

  • How does Cordyceps Militar is generate anti-aging properties?
  • Cordyceps Militaris as an immunity booster Cordyceps Militaris as the protector of respiratory system
  • How Cordyceps Militaris helps in controlling diabetes
  • How Cordyceps Militaris enhance vitality and energy levels
  • Improvement in stamina and endurance
  • Save yourself from cancer with Cordyceps Militaris
  • Sexual benefits of Cordyceps Militaris
  • The link between Cordyceps Militaris and Cardiovascular diseases
  • Benefits of Cordyceps Militaris for liver pancreas
  • The role of Cordyceps Militaris in managing kidney functions
  • How to Use:


Often recognized as the most bioactive compound within Cordyceps Militaris, also plays anti-metastatic and anti-tumour role. This form of alternative medicine finds widespread application in prevention and treatment of cancer. Cordycepin is able to induce apoptosis, show anti-proliferative effects, and also have an anti-angiogenic effect on human cells, other than targeting cancer stem cells (CSCs).

Studies have also shown that Cordyceps Militaris is able to bring down the growth of cancerous cells within sarcoma S180, Erlich’s ascites carcinoma and MA737 cancer of the breast. Cells in the body are meant to grow and divide in a way that overall health remains constant. Cells that become old or get damaged are replaced by new cells, and tumours tend to form when this division becomes uncontrollable.

How does Cordyceps Militar is generate anti-aging properties?
Cordyceps Militaris has antioxidants that contain anti-aging properties, making them really popular among the elderly. In fact, the use of this medicinal mushroom to slow down the aging process is centuries old. Oxygen-radicals tend to get formed during the aging process, which results in damage to cells. As per research, it has been found out that Cordyceps Militaris can inhibit lipid and peroxide formation, and also lower the presence of oxidized enzymes in one’s brain. Due to its ability to scavenge on oxygen-free radicals, this mushrooms has become such a successful name in the anti-aging community.

Cordyceps Militaris as an immunity booster
The immune system is one that prevents the body from falling sick, thereby defending it against a number of bacterial, viral and protozoal infections. Sometimes even cancerous cells may appear as bacterial infections after mutation. Cordyceps Militaris is able increase the number of WBCs in the body. Due to this very quality, the mushroom is frequently recommended as an energy booster during recovery periods from operations. Cordyceps Militaris improves immunity in both healthy persons as well as those suffering from leukemia. So many studies tells about several immunity-boosting effects of this mushroom, along with an increase in number of NK cells, macrophages, WBCs, and T-helper cells. All these cells boost cellular immunity against fungaland viral infections, apart from others as well.

How Cordyceps Militaris helps in controlling diabetes
Today diabetes is a known disease for about 25.8 million women, men and children in the world. Of this number, 7 million have still not been diagnosed, and about 80 million persons show symptoms of prediabetes. The disease is more common in males than in females, and increases at a drastic pace with age. Statistics claim that more than 25% of individual aged more than 65years are affected by diabetes. Not only is it very common, but treatment is also on expensive side. If one considers avoiding diabetes as a whole, it is probably next to impossible. Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes have been proven to hereditary. Type 1 seems to get active upon viral infection. Type 2is strongly related with genes, and people with Type 2 relatives are quite likely to contract the same. Consumption of the fungus Cordyceps Militaris can be a savings agent, as clinical trials on both humans and animals have shown its potential of regulating blood sugar. Cordyceps Militaris enhances insulin sensitivity, improves metabolism of blood glucose, and also increases the liver`s output of the glucose-regulating enzymes hexokinase and glucokinase.

Cordyceps Militaris as the protector of respiratory system
As per traditional Chinese medicine, Cordyceps Militaris has been talked about as the protector of the human respiratory system since more than a thousand years. Cordyceps Militaris can reduce symptoms related to asthma, COPD, pneumonia, phlegm, chronic bronchitis and other respiratory troubles. It also displayed the capability to relax bronchial walls and was able to improve oxygen utilizing efficiency of humans. Cordyceps Militaris is extremely useful for tracheal contractions and is able to generate a higher degree of airflow to the lungs than earlier, which is especially helpful for asthmatic patients.

How Cordyceps Militaris enhance vitality and energy levels
All of us need a constant supply of energy to function throughout the day. Whenever we feel lethargic, we look to consume proteins, starches and fats in a bid to rejuvenate ourselves. All the above molecules break down to release ATP at the cellular levels. As per recent research, it has been proven that Cordyceps Militaris enhance oxygen and also ATP levels in the blood. Several high-altitude climbers make use of Cordyceps Militaris for easy breathing, as the mushroom increases availability of oxygen at heights. The consumption of this mushroom, therefore, has two benefits-high oxygen levels and an energy boost.

Improvement in stamina and endurance
Cordyceps Militaris is recognized as fungal biomass which can be easily cultured from oats. Though the strain is similar to Cordyceps Sinensis, it has greater quantities of the active ingredients than this, thereby making it a suitable substitute. Cordyceps Militaris is quite effective in enhancement of exercise metabolism, fatigue reduction, endurance exercise performance and the capability for aerobic exercises amongst healthy humans.

Save yourself from cancer with Cordyceps Militaris
Ancient medicine has made use of Cordyceps Militaris for a number of years. An anti-cancer has been tested on cancerous RKO, which is a human colorectal cell line. Results of the experiment stated how RKO cells were susceptible to the ethanol extract from Cordyceps Militaris and growth of the tumour from RKO cells had also been delayed significantly. It showed that the ethanol extract of the mushroom was cytotoxic to RKO cells and inhibited the tumour`s growth. This anti-tumour effect was then linked with mitochondrial apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. Cordyceps Militaris became responsible for deaths of tumour cells by the caspase-dependent mitochondrial pathway.

Sexual benefits of Cordyceps Militaris
Cordyceps Militaris has been used as a remedy for sexual dysfunction over many years. It is also capable of reducing body fatigue upon culmination of a long disease. Clinical trials on humans that were published in the journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine also indicated how sexual activity in humans was made more effective with the administration of Cordyceps Militaris. This was accomplished either by acting on sexual organs or sex hormones. Cordyceps can obviously be used for a better sex drive and erectile functions as it helps in reducing chronic stress.

The link between Cordyceps Militaris and Cardiovascular diseases
This can bring down high blood pressure and also rectify cardiac arrhythmia by increasing its latent period. In this manner, the duration of cardiac arrhythmia can be reduced. Cordyceps Militaris also acts positively during protection attacks of hypoxia and ischemia. Cordyceps Militaris is able to control arrhythmia is the existence of deoxyadenosine, adenosineand other adenosine-type nucleotides and nucleotides, all of which have a remarkable effect on cerebral and coronary circulation.

Benefits of Cordyceps Militaris for liver pancreas
The liver is clearly the largest organ in the human. It is absolutely vital for filtration of blood and other fluids in the body. Additionally, it also aids in maintaining proper blood sugar levels, turning food molecules into energy upon breakdown, creation of vital enzymes and proteins, and many other.

The role of Cordyceps Militaris in managing kidney functions
Kidneys are the essential filtering organs of the human body. When kidney dysfunctions occur, it affects other organs as well. Symptoms of degenerating kidney health include back and joint pain, impotence, high levels of blood sugar and fatigue. Cordy Militaris is able to uplift kidney potential with an increase in the levels of 17-ketosteroid levels and 17-hdroxy-corticosteroid. Administration of 3-5g of Cordyceps Militaris to the patients suffering from renal failure can significantly enhance kidney and immune function. Chronic renal failure may also result in anemia, proteinuria and hypertension. After one month of giving such patients the wonder mushroom, there was a substantial decrease in urinary protein.

How to Use:
Take one sachet of Cordyceps Militaris dry fruiting body in empty mug and pour 100 ml. hot water on it and wait for three minutes. Drink that water leaving the fruiting body. Repeat it three times a day and in third time eat the fruiting body.


  • Keep out of reach of children,
  • Consult a physician in case of pregnancy or any medical condition


  • This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease
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