SELI-Q Capsules

1. Co-enzyme Q10…………………100mg
2. Vitamin E……………………………200IU
3. Selenium………………………….100mcg
4. Zinc sulfate monohydrate....66mg


  • Co-Q10, Selenium, Vitamin-E&Zinc are potential Antioxidant agents and this unique combination of supplements have synergistic effects & help in recovery of viral and COVID-19 infections.
  • Older adults and people with diseases that inhibit these elements absorption may need to supplement.


Deficiency of these elements leads to

  • infertility in men and women.
  • muscle weakness.
  • fatigue.
  • mental fog.
  • hair loss.
  • weakened immune system.

1. Coenzyme Q10

  • CoQ10 has been shown to help improve heart health and blood sugar regulation,treatment of cancer and migraine.
  • Reduce the oxidative damage due to cigarette smoking, and stressful circumstances that leads to muscle fatigue, skin damage and brain and lung diseases.
  • CoeQ10 Boosts & improvesHealth ininfertile men&I Women.

2. Vitamin E

  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that reduce free radical damage and slow the aging process of your cells. It may decrease your risk of heart disease, certain cancers, vision issues, and brain disorders.
  • One of its key functions is to keep blood vessels dilated and prevent clots from forming in your blood vessels.
  • Vitamin E removeoxidative stress in the human reproductive system. The use of selenium and vitamin E has synergistic effects on the male reproductive system.

3. Zinc

  • Zinc, a mostabundanttraceelementsneeded for DNA synthesis, immune function, metabolism and growth.
  • It may reduce your risk of some age-related diseases.Helps in wounds healing and your sense of taste and smell.
  • Zincplaysanessentialrolein reproductive system development, thesynthesisandsecretion ofvital hormone.

4. Selenium

  • Selenium is a nutrient that the body needs to stay healthy. Slow age-related mental decline, and even reduce your risk of heart disease. 
  • Selenium is important for reproduction, thyroid gland function, DNA production, and protecting the body (immune system) from damage caused by free radicalsand from infection. Selenium could support prostate cancer prevention.

Oriental Pharma is an integrated research based company